As spam recipients go, I'm a class act. I get hundreds every day and
on some days, more than 1,000. Yet in my mail box I hardly see any.
Here's how I do it.
First, a little history. I used to
use a Bayesian spam filter running on my PC. The product I used was an
Outlook add-in called JunkOut. Like most Bayesian filters it took a
while to train but once trained it worked just fine. The spam detection
rate was around 98% and the number of false positives (good mail wrongly
classified as spam) was vanishingly small.
But there
was a problem. As my spam mail volume grew, the time taken by the spam
filter to process my mail was growing to the point of being
unacceptable. Some days it was taking 10 minutes or more to process my
I needed a different solution. I tried rule-based
spam filters that used less processing than Bayesian filters. I tried
setting up my own mail server on a dedicated PC. I tried various
commercial spam filtering services and other options as well. None of
these gave me what I was looking for. But then I tried Google's GMail
and bingo! I found what I had been looking for.
some other webmail services, Gmail provides spam filtering for free.
That's no big deal; Yahoo!, Hotmail and others do that as well. What's
different about Gmail is that it also provides free POP3 mail access.
of my spam mail is sent to the address
That's no surprise; that address appears in every issue of this
newsletter and on my website as well.
What I do is to forward all mail from that address to my Gmail account where it is spam filtered automatically.
GMail spam filter detection rate is good, around 95%, so around 950 of
the 1000 spam messages I receive daily never get to my Google Inbox.
then use POP3 access to download the contents of my Google Inbox to
Outlook. The incoming mail is then filtered using the excellent
network-based Cloudmark spam filter that is installed on my PC.
detection rate is around 92%. So of the 50 or so spam emails in my
Google Inbox each day, fewer than five make it through to my Outlook
Now here's the crunch. Both the Google GMail
spam filter and the Cloudmark spam filter have the same characteristic;
they virtually never classify my real mail as spam. That means I don't
need to regularly check my spam folders to see if they contain genuine
correspondence. That's a real plus with large spam folders.
spam detection rates for GMail and Cloudmark are good, though a long
way from the best in their class. But that doesn't matter. By chaining
the two systems together I increase my aggregate spam detection rate to
99% plus and that rate IS right up there with the best.
the end result is that of 1,000 spam emails per day I see fewer than
five. At the same time my real mail is virtually never sent to a spam
folder. Problem solved.
Users may not have the facility to
redirect mail from their normal mail account to a GMail account. Some
mail services provide this feature, others don't; you'll have to check
your service to find out.
Even if your account doesn't
allow mail forwarding you can do it yourself using a free utility called
ERC. This runs on your PC and can be scheduled to automatically log
into your mail account and forward the mail to another account. In fact,
it can forward mail from up to three different accounts.
A better solution in the long run, though, may be to shift your permanent email address to Gmail.
use Cloudmark for my secondary spam filter but a good Bayesian filter
would perform well in the role provided you have the patience to train
it. SpamBayes and K9 are good examples and both are free. The
Thunderbird mail client of course has its own built in Bayesian spam
filter so there is no need for another.
product you chose, I do suggest you try this combination of remote and
local spam filtering. It could be just what you have been looking for.
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