Saturday 21 December 2013

Top 5 Mistakes That Google Panda Sees And Slaps

Google’s Panda introduced in February 2011, main reason was to stop websites with poor content from working their way into Google’s top search results. Google Panda is updated from time-to-time but no fix period of it. Google Panda hits 23% websites in its first update, before 2011 Google did not have such an algorithm to stop low qualities websites, but now Panda working fine for Google to stop low qualities websites in search engine.

Lot of visitors complain me that how to check that their website are in Panda plenty or not, so if you feel that your traffic decrease dramatically, its mean you are kick out by panda update, there are no software or plugin to check panda update. So here I am going to show you which websites panda likes to penalize, there are few reasons of it which I describe under….

Which websites Google panda likes to penalize?

1) Low or Poor quality Websites 
Panda will penalize those websites which have massive amount of contents, but these contents are written for only for the purpose of getting more visitors or advertisement not for readers, if you are new blogger or in Panda plenty then always write contents for you readers not for search engine.

2) Copied Contents
Don’t copy anything from anywhere, it may hurt your whole website, copying contents is illegal and crime in blogging, newbie going this mistake due to which they complain that they are not getting traffic, you can not get traffic from search engine on already published article, Panda also likes copied or duplicate contents website.

3) Slow Loading Websites
Most of webmaster denies this fact but its reality that slow loading time can be cause of panda plenty, if your website takes an hour to open then why any one will visit your website. So if you want to live secure from panda update then try to improve your website loading time.

4) Excessive Use of Advertisements
“Greed is Curse” its desire of every blogger/webmaster to earn maximum from their Websites, in Greed they use more then 4 or 5 ads network, It is pretty irritating for the visitors and Google knows this, never use any kind of advertisement if you are publisher of Google Adsense, truly these are maximum chances of panda plenty if you are using many ads on your website.

5) Black-Hat SEO Technique
Black-Hat SEO mean using wrong means to get high rank in search engine, generally black-hats SEO techniques mean breaks search engine rules and regulations, Black Hat SEO comprise keyword stuffing, unseen text and doorway pages. Black Hat SEO is more commonly used by those who are looking for a fast return on their Website, rather than a long-term, but all these techniques are wrong and Pro Bloggers called it SEO Killer techniques,  never use Black-Hat SEO techniques for your website/blog, Google Panda will defiantly Black-Hat SEO websites.

These are five main reasons of Panda Plenty, if you avoid these silly mistakes you can become king in search engine, if you are in Panda plenty here i am going to give you some panda recovery tips.

How To Recover From Google Panda Update 
1. Remove duplicated and low content in your site
2. Focus On Unique Content
3. Break broken links
4. Leave greed in the box while placing ads
5. Focus on your Grammar and Spell Check
6. Learn keyword Optimization not Keyword Stuffing
7. Reduce your Site Bounce rate
8. Do not make your website as a Hub of Advertisements

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